Craniosacral Therapy and Shiatsuin Wirral & Merseyside

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Shiatsu Shintai & CranioSacral Therapy in Wirral Cheshire & Merseyside

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Professional shiatsu bodywork and craniosacral therapy available in the Wirral, Liverpool, Merseyside, Cheshire and the surrounding areas. Petra has over 20 years clinical experience and with continuous further training, she is dedicated to her work as an alternative therapist and bodyworker. She was a teacher with the British School of Shiatsu-do for several years before moving to the North West. As a craniosacral therapist she treats adults, babies, children and has trained in working with trauma and post dental work including alongside orthodontics.( She is one of 4 teachers in the UK trained to deliver Saul Goodman's Shiatsu ShinTai programme ( She has also trained as a Louise Hay "Heal Your Life" workshop leader, and as a Sedona Method Facilitator.

Shiatsu and CranioSacral Treatments can include gentle, non-invasive techniques as well as more "deep massage" style and corrective techniques similar to those used by osteopaths. All are aimed at encouraging integration and easing of body, mind and emotional states. Some methods include clearing and resolving our past, old patterns and past traumas which can hinder our health, inner freedom and sense of well-being. Click here (Contact Details & Prices)

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The craniosacral and shiatsu practice is based in Merseyside ie Birkenhead, Wirral and Liverpool. Both are easily accessible by bus, rail and road. Not all clients are local to Birkenhead. Indeed, clients travel for shiatsu and craniosacral treatments from Liverpool, Chester, North Wales, Cheshire and Wirral. Clients also travel from London and the South East for treatments and to train with Petra. Parking is available. The practice is located on the Wirral about one mile from the Birkenhead Tunnel and is easy to find. There is also a clinic in Rodney Street and mobile treatments may sometimes be available.


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